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Department Business and Economics

Innovation and Growth Management (Bachelor - IM 2)

Module: Innovation and Growth Management (Bachelor - IM 2)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Steffen Strese
Res. Assoc. Michael Rammert
Scope / Credits: 4 SWS / 7.5 Credits
Course type: Lecture and exercise
Language: English
Date and place: Tuesdays, 14:00-18:00, HSG II HS4
Beginning: October 10, 2023
Please note: Since the first session will introduce the course format, it is absolutely necessary that you attend the first session.

Contents overview

Companies should regularly adapt their future strategy since technological, societal, or economic forces may lead to the decline of entire industries or to the advent of completely new businesses. This lecture addresses this challenge and presents various tools which companies can apply in order to detect future innovation and growth opportunities for long-term survival. This includes customer-related tools, environment-related tools, and firm-related tools. Among others, the technology-opportunity matrix, big data approach, and innovation crowdsourcing will be discussed and applied in detail. The lecture builds on current insights from both academic and practitioner literature.


Innovation Growth Management - Teaser

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