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Department Business and Economics

RSS-Feeds at TU Dortmund University


Icon RSS-Feed


The current version is called RDF Site Summary (RSS). It is usually used to present the latest news from a website in a compact format and to display it clearly in various programs.

RSS feeds are then subscribed to (using the specified link) or displayed directly, depending on the design. With a subscription, you can view the latest news from the feeds in one place without being overwhelmed by a flood of emails or having to constantly visit and search the websites of interest.

Web browser

Unfortunately, most web browser manufacturers have discontinued direct support for RSS feeds. However, there are add-ons for most browsers that take over this task. Examples:

  • Firefox: Feedbro (more for subscribing) or Livemarks (more for the direct display of a feed when clicking on the link).
  • Chrome: RSS subscription from Google (direct display)

Mail programs

You can subscribe to RSS feeds in both Mozilla Thunderbird and Microsoft Outlook.

Feed reader

There are dedicated programs for subscribing to RSS feeds.