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Department Business and Economics

Strategic Technology and Innovation Management (Master - SM X (B) - TM II (C))

Module: Master
Profile B: Strategic Management X
Profile C: Technology Management II
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Tessa Flatten
Res. Assoc. Tristan Schumacher
Scope / Credits: 4 SWS (Credit hours) / 7,5 Credits
Course type: Lecture and exercise
Language: English
Date and place: Tuesdays, 14:00-18:00, CT Zentralbereich - HS ZE 01
Beginning: October 15, 2024
Exam: Main date: 03.02.2025
Post date: 17.03.2025

Contents overview

This class introduces the evolutionary patterns of technologies/innovations and connects these to technological developments. Those patterns are linked to several concepts like the product life cycle or diffusion models. Moreover, the relevance of customer needs regarding new product development is discussed. In order to enable companies to implement efficient processes to handle technologies and innovations this class as well focuses on the design of organizational structures and culture. Additionally, specific problems like organizational ambidexterity or standardization are covered. Furthermore, recent research topics form international journals will be presented within this class.

A content overview of the course Strategic Technology and Innovation Management can be found here.

General hint: All information and hints given are done so without responsibility or liability for correctness and functionality. Please consult the official module guide for further information.



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