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Department Business and Economics

Corporate Entrepreneurship (Bachelor - IM 1)

Module:  Corporate Entrepreneurship (Bachelor - IM 1)
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Steffen Strese
Res. Assoc. Anncatrin Mergler
Scope / Credits: 4 SWS / 7,5 Credits
Language: German
Date and place: The event takes place on Tuesdays from 2-6 pm in the physics building in room P2-05-416 on the following days: :
  • 08.04.2025
  • 29.04.2025
  • 06.05.2025
  • 20.05.2025
  • 27.05.2025
  • 03.06.2025
  • 10.06.2025
  • 17.06.2025
  • 24.06.2025
  • 08.07.2025
Beginning: April 8, 2024
Please note: According to the current status, the event will take place in person. Further details will be announced in the Moodle course. Please register there for the course to get the latest information.

Contents overview

How can established companies act entrepreneurially again? How can established and larger companies succeed in occupying new growth areas? How can successful concepts of start-ups be applied in large companies? These are just a few of the basic questions the lecture will address. The lecture deals with the peculiarities of entrepreneurial companies. The five central management functions (planning, organisation, human resources, management and controlling) are used to develop levers that managers can use to awaken entrepreneurial spirit in established companies. Concepts, such as trial-and-error learning, transformational leadership, the technology application matrix and the tornado phenomenon, are explained and discussed. Moreover, they are illustrated with the help of a series of practical examples.
In addition to frontal teaching, the lecture contains many interactive parts and student contributions in order to impart the necessary theoretical basics to the students as well as to promote independent discussions of the contents.


General hint: All information and hints given are done so without responsibility or liability for correctness and functionality. Please consult the official module guide for further information.

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