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Department Business and Economics

Seminar (Bachelor - Module 11)

Module:  Module 11: Seminar
Topic: Business Model Innovation
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Tessa Flatten
Dr. Bastian Kindermann
Scope / Credits: 2 SWS / Credits
Course type: Seminar
Language: English, Lecture "Introduction to Academic Writing": German
Application: Online (Deadline: 26.01.24 12:00)
Date and place:
  • June 6, 2024, 10 am-12 pm (Location: P2-05-416)
  • June 18, 2024, 2 pm-6 pm (Location: P2-05-416)
  • June 27, 2024, 2 pm-3:30 pm (Location: P1-05-308)
  • July 9, 2024, 2 pm-6 pm (Location: P2-05-416)
Please note: Your participation in Module 11: Exercise "Scientific working" is mandatory. For further Information click here.

Contents overview

Within the Seminar Business Model In­no­va­ti­on students will get to know the process of business model development. Based on a theoretical background on how to identify business opportunities, a focus of the seminar will be on practical application of the aquired knowledge. Working together in teams students will develop their own ideas using the business model canvas and pitch the final proposal of their business models in an investor-like setting.

Please note: Your participation in Module 11: "Introduction to academic writing" is mandatory. For further information click here.

Please note: All information and hints given are done so without responsibility or liability for correctness and functionality. Please consult the official module guide for further information.


Students are selected along the selection criteria for seminars and theses, which you can view here. You have the opportunity to enter your achievements and relevant non-university experience on the online platform.

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