BMBF funds a new research project of the TIE Institute and its partners

The TIE Institute of TU Dortmund University has started a new research project to accompany the model region for sustainable bioeconomy "Rheinisches Revier" together with several partners. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research ("BMBF") over a period of five years, the project part is led by Prof. Steffen Strese and realized together with Prof. Tessa Flatten and Dr. Bastian Kindermann. It will investigate how start-ups and young firms settle in the model region for sustainable bioeconomy. The aim of the model region is to shape the transformation of the Rhenish mining area in such a way that sustainable innovations are established and the area develops towards a climate-neutral, sustainable and circular-economy-oriented region.
In addition to TU Dortmund University's TIE Institute, the interdisciplinary partners of this project include several institutions of RWTH Aachen University – Institute for Technology and Innovation Management (overall project lead), Human Technology Center, Institute for Environmental Research, Chair of Economic Geography – as well as "Forschungszentrum Jülich". We are very much looking forward to working with our partners on this project.