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Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Chair for Technology Management wins Lehrinnovations-Award for the second year in a row

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The chair's master's course "New Product Management" was awarded the Lehrinnovations-Award in the field of internationalisation by the students' of the Faculty of Business and Economics. The prize is worth 1000 Euro and was given on the basis of an evaluation among all students.

Within the master's course "New Product Management" theoretical teaching contents regarding new product strategies and practice are combined. In this English language course, groups of students develop product introduction strategies with different companies for real, new products of these companies. The regular exchange between students and partner companies and is enhanced by theoretical foundation and feedback loops with the chair's lecturers. This innovative format of teaching theoretical lecture contents on the one hand and working practically with enterprises on the other perfectly prepares students for future work life. As the course is offered in English language, it is possible to build heterogeneous, multicultural teams, increasing creativity and diversity of results involving both national and international students.