Konferenzen und Tagungen - Technologiemanagement
- Beck, M., Schmidt, C., & Strese, S. (2024). Staying flexible – The Role of Circular Economy Practices for Operational Volume Flexibility. Production and Operations Management Society International Conference (POMS), Minneapolis, USA.
- Ewertz, A., & Flatten, T. (2024). Taking the entrepreneur's perspective: the role of investor's strategic orientation on the financial performance of ventures. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Munich, Germany.
- Martinez-Schroeder, D., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2024). Identifying Opportunities based on Culture: The Relation between Migrants' Cultural Intelligence and their Entrepreneurial Behavior within Organizations. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Munich, Germany.
- Pollkläsener, A. (2024). Off to a great start: How entrepreneurs' early hiring decisions influence venture funding in the artificial intelligence sector. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Munich, Germany.
- Pollkläsener, A., & Schmidt, C. (2024). Moving on: How early employee exits influence venture funding in the artificial intelligence sector. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Munich, Germany.
- Bauer, K. (2023). Fueling Effectual Behavior in Public Leaders? The Role of Imaginativeness and Environmental Dynamism. 2023 Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Boston, USA.
- Bauer, K., & Schmidt, C. (2023). Harnessing Challenges: How Public Leaders’ Challenge Self-Efficacy Actuates Their Imaginativeness. 2023 Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Boston, USA.
- Bauer, K., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2023). How Public Leaders’ Crisis Leader Efficacy Nurtures Their Imaginativeness. 2023 Public Management Research Conference (PMRC), Utrecht, Netherlands.
- Endreß, A. (2023). Not all injustice matters equally: How the comparison with similar peers decreases job satisfaction. 2023 European Academy of Management (EURAM), Dublin, Ireland.
- Endreß, A. (2023). When Injustice Hits Close to Home: How Comparing Oneself to Similar Peers Reduces Job Satisfaction. 2023 Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Boston, USA.
- Falk, J. (2023). All in for innovation – The mediating effect of absorptive capacity on innovation outcomes in diverse teams. 2023 Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Lecco, Italy.
- Falk, F. (2023). Matching what matters - team leaders’ analytical and intuitive cognitive styles in diverse teams. 2023 Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Boston, USA.
- Gassmann, P., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2023). Angel Investors and Entrepreneurs: A Relational Perspective to the Impact of Human Capital Heterogeneity on Venture Performance. 2023 European Academy of Management (EURAM), Dublin, Ireland.
- Gassmann, P., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2023). It's a Match: How Heterogeneity in the Angel Investor-Entrepreneur Dyad Drives Venture Performance. 2023 Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Boston, USA.
- Guffler, M., Schmidt, C., Kindermann, B., & Flatten, T. (2023). Collaborating with Generative AI: Exploring Algorithm Appreciation in Creative Writing. 2023 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India.
- Hame, D., Kindermann, B., & Flatten, T. (2023). Unpacking the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem - Advancing Micro-Foundations through Scale Development. 2023 Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Lecco, Italy.
- Hame, D., Kindermann, B., & Flatten, T. (2023). Winning the ecosystem game: driving venture success through resource orchestration. 2023 Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference (RENT), Gdansk, Poland.
- Pei, X., Kindermann, B., & Strese, S. (2023). The Power of Credibility and Fame: How Celebrity Investors Impact Venture Performance. European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE), Porto, Italy.
- Pei, X., Kindermann, B., & Strese, S. (2023). Demystifying Celebrity Investors: How Celebrity Investors Attract Reputable Investors. 2023 G-Forum, Darmstadt, Germany.
- Pei, X., Kindermann, B., & Strese, S. (2023). Shine Bright Like a Star: How Celebrity Investors’ Experience and Credibility Catch Reputable Investors. 2023 Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference (RENT), Gdansk, Poland.
- Pollkläsener, A., & Flatten, T. (2023). Whom to Hire First? Influence of Early Hires on Venture Performance. 2023 European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE), Porto, Italy.
- Pollkläsener, A., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2023). Starting off strong: Influence of different early employee types on venture performance in the artificial intelligence sector. 2023 Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference (RENT), Gdansk, Poland.
- Rammert, M., Kindermann, B., & Strese, S. (2023). Leveraging the Crowd as Innovators: The Influence of Motivational Cues on Crowd Involvement in Blockchain Projects. 2023 G-Forum, Darmstadt, Germany.
- Rammert, M., Kindermann, B., & Strese, S. (2023). Get the Crypto Crowd Going: Evaluating the Signaling Effect of Motivational Cues on Crowd Involvement. 2023 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Hyderabad, India.
- Reh, I., Ewertz, A., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2023). Can Entrepreneurial Orientation of CVC-Investors Enhance the Financial Performance of New Ventures? 2023 European Academy of Management (EURAM), Dublin, Ireland.
- Saesen, J., Schmidt, C., & Strese, S. (2023). Power up the gap or gap the power: the influence of the power gap between CEOs and CFOs on their firms' digital orientation. 2023 European Academy of Management (EURAM), Dublin, Ireland.
- Schrewentigges, L., Schmidt, C., & Strese, S. (2023). Why do you fear? – Examining how founder maturity and temporal focus relate to explain fear of failure. 2023 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACERE), Brisbane, Australia.
- Schubert, C., & Kindermann, B. (2023). The effects of Chief Digital Officer presence on firms’ digital orientation from an attention-based view. 2023 European Academy of Management (EURAM), Dublin, Ireland.
- Schulte, K., & Flatten, T. (2023). Adapting to the New Normal of Teamwork: Hybrid Teams and Team Trust. 2023 European Academy of Management (EURAM), Dublin, Ireland.
- Schulte, K., & Flatten, T. (2023). Welcome to the new way of Working Together: Team Trust in Flexible Hybrid Teams. 2023 Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Boston, USA.
- Tillmann, T., & Fritze, M, P. (2023). Knowledge Hiding Has an Age – The Influence of Age on Knowledge Hiding Behavior. 2023 European Academy of Management (EURAM), Dublin, Ireland.
- Willcke, L., & Flatten, T. (2023). Unleashing the power of digital: Digital technologies as a signal to investors of sustainable ventures. 2023 Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Boston, USA.
- Willcke, L. (2023). Is digital the savior for sustainability entrepreneurs? Digital technologies as signal to investors of sustainable ventures. 2023 European Academy of Management (EURAM), Dublin, Ireland.
- Fengel, F., Strese, S., & Kindermann, B. (2022). It takes more than technology: How a Firm's Digital Orientation leads to Firm Performance. 2022 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACERE), virtual.
- Fengel, F., Strese, S., & Kindermann, B. (2022). The Dual Imperative of Digital Transformers – The Relationship between a Firm's Digital Orientation and Innovation Ambidextierty. 2022 European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Timișoara.
- Naser, L., Flatten, T., & Schmidt, C. (2022). The Short- and Long-term Relationship between Female CEOs and Training and Development. 2022 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACERE), virtual.
- Naser, L., Flatten, T., & Schmidt, C. (2022). Booster or Barrier? How Organizational Factors Influence the Relationship between Female CEOs and Digitalization. 2022 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACERE), virtual.
- Lechner, J., Schmidt, C. &, Flatten, T. (2022). The imprinting effect of founder high-investment HR philosophy and cognitive style on adoption of High Performance Work Systems. 2022 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACERE), virtual.
- Lechner, J. (2022). High Performance Work Systems In Entrepreneurial Firms - The Role Of Founder Imprinting. 2022 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Waco, USA.
- Hess, J. (2022). High Performance Work Systems In Entrepreneurial Firms - The Role Of Founder Imprinting. 2022 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Waco, USA.
- Hocker, A., Strese, S., & Kindermann, B. (2022). An impression management perspective on entrepreneurial hustle as antecedent for perceived competence and organizational attractiveness in new venture recruitment. 2022 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACERE), virtual.
- Hering, A., Strese, S., & Kindermann, B. (2022). How to Promote Radical Innovation? The Role of Family Involvement in Shaping Relative Exploration Orientation. 2022 Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Hamburg, Germany.
- König, A., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2022). The Effect of Spirituality on Innovation in Entrepreneurship in Africa: The Role of Intuitive and Analytical Thinking. 2022 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACERE), virtual.
- Hocker, A., Kindermann, B., & Strese, S. (2022). How to catch feelings: Entrepreneurial hustle and its impact on customer-based outcomes. 2022 European Academy of Management (EURAM), Zurich, Switzerland.
- Samakovlis, A., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2022). A Darker Shade of Green: Does closed-loop orientation harm product quality in S&P500 firms? 2022 Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Hamburg, Germany.
- Samakovlis, A., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2022). Operationalizing closed-loop orientation with computer-aided text analysis in innovation-driven economies. 2022 European Academy of Management (EURAM), Zurich, Switzerland.
- Lösch, B., & Schmidt, C. (2022). How to Inspire Individual Learning Behavior: The Impact of Psychological Capital and Organizational Constraints. 2022 European Academy of Management (EURAM), Zurich, Switzerland.
- Reh, I., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2022). How Does Corporate Venture Capital Influences the Financial Performance of New Ventures? The Moderating Role of Experience. 2022 European Academy of Management (EURAM), Zurich, Switzerland.
- Reh, I., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2022). How to Boost New Venture Innovation? The Role of the Strategic Orientation of Corporate Venture Capital Investors. 2022 Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Hamburg, Germany.
- Reh, I., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2022). Does Corporate Venture Capital Lead to Better Financial Performance of New Ventures? The Moderating Role of Experience. 2022 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACERE), virtual.
- Falk, J., Kindermann, B., & Flatten, T. (2022). Matching what matters – Understanding the moderating effect of team leaders' cognitive styles in diverse innovation teams. 2022 Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Hamburg, Germany.
- Saesen, J., Schmidt, C., & Strese, S. (2022). Steering towards innovation: the role of overconfident CEOs on their firms' digital orientation. 2022 Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Hamburg, Germany.
- Hering, A. (2022). Motivated to Fight Climate Change? How TMT Regulatory Focus Shapes Green Innovation in Family Firms. 2022 Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Seattle, USA / 2022 Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Hamburg, Germany.
- Krajlev, M., Kindermann, B., & Flatten, T. (2022). Antecedents of Explorative New Ventures and the Role of Regulation. 2022 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACERE), virtual.
- Krajlev, M., Kindermann, B., & Flatten, T. (2022). Drivers of FinTech Innovation – The Interplay of Leadership Experience and Regulatory Freedom. 2022 European Academy of Management (EURAM), Zurich, Switzerland.
- Krajlev, M. (2022). How to Foster Radical Innovation in FinTechs? The Roles of Leadership Experience and Regulations. 2022 Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Seattle, USA.
- Krajlev, M., Kindermann, B., & Flatten, T. (2022). Leveraging Financial Technology to be Successful? 2022 Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACERE), virtual.
- Krajlev, M., & Kindermann, B. (2022). Regulatory Sandboxes - A Booster for FinTechs? 2022 International conference on Business Management in the Digital Economy.
- Samakovlis, A., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2022). Doing well by doing good: An operationalization of closed-loop orientation using CATA. 2022 Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Seattle / 2022 Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Hamburg, Germany.
- Kraljev, M., Kindermann, B. & Flatten, T. (2022). Technology Clusters among Fintechs: Exploring the Signaling of Technology Scope and the Role of Regulation. 2022 European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Timișoara.
- Falk, J., & Kindermann, B. (2022). Leveraging team diversity – The mediating influence of different forms of diversity climate on team innovation and employee satisfaction. 2022 Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference (RENT), Naples, Italy.
- Bauer, K. (2022). How Public Leaders Can Profit From Entrepreneurial Behavior In Crises. 2022 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Waco, USA.
- Bauer, K., Flatten, T., & Schmidt, C. (2022). How Imaginative Public Leaders Can Leverage on Entrepreneurial Behavior to Cope with Uncertainty. 2022 Public Management Research Conference (PMRC), Phoenix, USA.
- Bauer, K., Flatten, T., & Schmidt, C. (2022). How Crisis-Ridden Public Leaders Can Fuel Their Entrepreneurial Behavior by Involving Citizens. 2022 Public Management Research Conference (PMRC), Phoenix, USA.
- Bauer, K. (2022). Involve, Public Leaders: How Public Leaders Can Foster Their Entrepreneurial Behavior at Times of Uncertainty. 2022 Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Seattle, USA.
- Peick, S., & Schmidt, C. (2022). Inspiring leaders or erratic bosses? ADHD-like symptoms of entrepreneurs and their influence on team member satisfaction. 2022 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Waco, USA.
- Tegeder, T., Schmidt, C., & Strese, S. (2022). Who Is Going the SPAC Way? The Influence of TMT Quality on SPAC Likelihood. 2022 G-Forum Conference, Dresden, Germany / 2022 Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Conference (RENT), Naples, Italy.
- Samakovlis, A., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2022). Towards the Circular Economy: How MO and EO foster Closed-Loop Orientation. 2022 AMA Summer Academic Conference (AMA), Chicago, USA.
- Schrewentigges, L., Schmidt, C., & Strese, S. (2022). I decide! – Entrepreneurial Fear of Failure as determinant for Entrepreneurial decision-making. 2022 G-Forum Conference, Dresden, Germany.
- Reh, I. (2022). CVC as a Booster for the Financial Performance of New Ventures? The Moderating Role of Experience. 2022 Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Seattle, USA.
- Gassmann, P., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2022). Finding an angel that gives wings: how angel-entrepreneur fit drives venture success. 2022 G-Forum Conference, Dresden, Germany.
- Fengel, F., Strese, S., & Kindermann, B. (2021) Making Digitalization Measurable: Operationalization of a new Strategic Orientation for Survey-based Research. 2021 European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE), Lisbon, Portugal. Named as best PHD presentation.
- Fuchs, K., Schmidt, C., & Strese, S. (2021) The Other Side of The Coin: The Negative Influence of Investor Involvement on Eudaimonic Well-Being. 2021 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), virtual.
- Fuchs, K., Strese, S., & Schmidt, C. (2021) The Influence of Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being on Entrepreneurs' Active Search: A Double-Edged Sword? 2021 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), virtual.
- Fuchs, K., & Schmidt, C. (2021) It Takes More Than Money - How Investor Involvement Influences Eudaimonic Well-Being. 2021 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), virtual.
- Grave, S., Schmidt, C., & Strese, S. (2021) How corporate venture capital investors search external knowledge to bridge internal knowledge gaps. 2021 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), virtual.
- Kettner, C. (2021). What Drives Business Model Thinking For Innovativeness? The 2021 Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC).
- Kettner, C., & Kindermann, B. (2021) Collective cognition for business model evaluation depending on conflict and supportive climate. The 2021 European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE), Lisbon, Portugal.
- König, A., Schmidt, C., & Flatten, T. (2021) Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Africa: How Spirituality Influences Innovation. 2021 Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business (RENT), Turku, Finland.
- Kraljev, M., Kindermann, B., & Flatten, T. (2021) FinTechs’ Exploration Orientation – Antecedents and Regulation as a Moderator. 2021 Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business (RENT), Turku, Finland.
- Kraljev, M., Flatten, T., & Kindermann, B. (2021) FinTechs Playing in the Sandbox — The Effect of Interacting Signals on Funding. 2021 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). [Best Paper in the Track “Blockchain, DLT, and Fintech” and first runner-up for the Best Completed Research Paper Award]
- Naser, L., & Flatten, T. (2021) A Literature Review: Gender Diversity and Firm Performance Consequences. 2021 Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Montreal, Canada.
- Wilm, C., Schmidt, C., & Strese, S. (2021) The heart leads, the mind follows: How adaptive cognition mediates the relationship between entrepreneurial passion and tolerance for failure. 2021 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), virtual.
- Wilm, C., Schmidt, C., & Strese, S. (2021) The link between entrepreneurial passion and tolerance for failure mediated by adaptive cognition. 2021 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), virtual.
- Gerleve, C. (2020). How to Drive Social Venture Performance? An Upper Echelons Perspective on Social Entrepreneurship. 2020 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), in Vancouver, Canada, virtual. Awarded with Best Paper Award in Track “Entrepreneurship” and nominated for The Neman Award.
- Kettner, C. (2020). The Stage is Yours - How to Involve Customers in Multiple NPD Stages. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, virtual.
- Bauer, K., Flatten, T., & Kindermann, B. (2020). Public Chiefs, Be Entrepreneurial: How Imaginative Public Managers Take Advantage Of Effectuation. 2020 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), virtual.
- Bauer, K. (2019). Personal and Organizational Antecedents of Top Public Managers’ Entrepreneurial Behavior reacting to and fostering Digitalization. Transatlantic Sync, in Silicon Valley, CA, USA.
- Gerleve, C., & Flatten, T. (2019). Does Positivity drive entrepreneurial passion for social mission? Developing a new Source of Passion. 2019 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), in Wellesley, USA.
- Gerleve, C., & Flatten, T. (2019). The Impact of Entrepreneurs’ Psychological Capital on Team Processes and Firm Performance. 2019 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Wellesley, USA.
- Gerleve, C., & Flatten, T. (2019). Developing Entrepreneurial Passion for Social Mission. 2019 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), in Wellesley, USA. Awarded with Best Paper Award in Track “Entrepreneurship.”
- Gerleve, C., & Flatten, T. (2019). Entrepreneurial Passion for Social Mission: Measurement and Antecedent. 2019 Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management (EURAM), in Lisbon, Portugal.
- Kindermann, B., Salge, T-O., & M. Barrett. (2019). Orchestrating Digital Innovation Ecosystems: Review, Reconceptualization, and Implications. 2019 Information & Organization Journal RICK Workshop; Digital Service Innovation.
- Rettig, R. (2019). The influence of Absorptive Capacity on Digital Process Innovation in Manufacturing Firms. ICORES, Prag, Czech Republic.
- Rettig, R. (2018). How organizational factors and the absorptive capacity of organizations influence implementation success of digital manufacturing solutions. EurOMA, Budapest, Hungary.
- Schulz, J. (2018). Early Start-up Discontinuation: A Comparison of Hybrid and Pure Entrepreneurs. 2018 G-Forum conference, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Hess, J., & Flatten, T. (2018). Organizational Design for Strategic Flexibility: Impact of Technology, Culture and Structure under Turbulence. 2018 G-Forum conference, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Mergemeier, L., & Flatten, T. (2017). Personality Traits and Entrepreneurial Activity in Organizations: Does Mental Toughness Influence Individual Entrepreneurial Behavior? Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange (ACERE), Melbourne, Australia.
- Moser, J. (2017). Barriers in Nascent Entrepreneurship: The Influences of Multiple Barriers on Outcome Statuses and Start-up Intention. 11th Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange (ACERE) Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
- Ohlies, I., & Flatten, T. (2017). Hype or Hope: The Impact of Entrepreneurial Marketing on New Venture Performance and the Moderating Role of Networking. 21st Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and SMEs (G-Forum), Wuppertal, Germany.
- Pielen, M. (2017). Erfolgskritische Faktoren künftiger Geschäftsmodelle von urbanen, geteilten Mobilitätsdienstleistungen. 9. Wissenschaftsforum, Duisburg, Germany.
- Pielen, M., Flatten, T., & Röth, T. (2017). Identifikation von erfolgskritischen Faktoren künftiger Geschäftsmodelle im Kontext urbaner, geteilter Mobilität. 13. Berliner Methodentreffen Qualitative Forschung, Berlin, Germany.
- Sturm, C., Aly, M., von Schmidt, B., & Flatten, T. (2017). Entrepreneurial and UX Mindsets: Two Perspectives – One Objective. 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (Mobile HCI), ACM, Vienna, Austria.
- Groberg, M., & Flatten, T. (2016). The effect of organizational preparedness for corporate entrepreneurship on performance: Introducing cross-cultural and environmental contingencies. Strategic Management Society’s (SMS) 36th Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany/ The 20th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation (G-Forum), Leipzig, Germany.
- Groberg, M., & Flatten, T. (2016). Successful digital transformations: A cross-cultural study of organizational preparedness for corporate entrepreneurship as a driver of the degree of digitization. 2016 INFORMS International Conference, Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA.
- Groberg, M., Vetter, H.-M., & Flatten, T. (2016). A measurement instrument for digitization: Scale development and impact on new product performance. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), Anaheim, Califonia, USA.
- Moser, J. (2016). Creation or Abandonment: The Influence of Human Capital on the Venture Creation Outcome. INFORMS International Conference, in Waikoloa, USA / The doctoral pre-conference and the main conference at the 19th Nordic Conference on Small Business Research (NCSB), Riga, Litvia.
- Moser, J. (2016). Antecedents of the Different Dimensions of Entrepreneurial Success – A Joint Analysis Currently under review in the double-blind peer review process of the European Management Review. The 39th Annual Conference of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE), Paris, France.
- Moser, J. (2016). Beyond ‘All or Nothing’: Entry Into and Early Exit From Hybrid Entrepreneurship. The 39th Annual Conference of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE), Paris, France. Honored as ‘Highly Commended Paper’ by the ISBE Academic Conference Jury.
- Vetter, H.-M., & Flatten, T. (2016). Driving Digitization: The Moderated Effects of Dynamic capabilities on Digital Value Pools. The 12th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance (ECMLG), Bucharest, Romania.
- Vetter, H.-M., & Flatten, T. (2016). Routines for Disruption: How the Degree of Digitization Mediates Second-Order Dynamic capabilities. 2016 Informs International Conference, Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA.
- Zehren, T. (2016). Entrepreneurship and Value Creation. The doctoral pre-conference and the main conference at the 19th Nordic Conference on Small Business Research (NCSB), Riga, Latvia / The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) International Conference, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.
- Brunst, A., & Flatten, T. (2014). Entrepreneurial Orientation and Innovation Outcomes: A Longitudinal, Contingency-Based Analysis. Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Conference, Sydney, Australia.
- Meuer, M., & Flatten, T. (2014). Coopetition and Innovation: How to Unleash the Innovative Potential of a Firm Through Cross-Functional Coopetition? Proceedings of the American Marketing Association (AMA) Annual Winter Meeting, Orlando, USA.
- Engelen, A., Brettel, M., Flatten, T., & Schmidt, S. (2011). Does Corporate Social Responsibility Foster Marketing Capabilities? An International Perspective. Proceedings of the American Marketing Association (AMA) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
- Flatten, T., Brettel, M., Engelen, A., & Greve, G. (2009). A Measure of Absorptive Capacity: Development and Validation. Best Paper Proceedings of 2009 the Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA.
- Engelen, A., Heinemann, F., & Flatten, T. (2008). Antecedents and Effects of Market Orientation: The Moderating Role of the Development Stage. Proceedings of the Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, Anaheim, Califonia, USA.