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Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Publikationen - Innovationsmanagement


  • Schmelter, D., & Strese, S. (2024). The Role of Environmental, Social, and Governance Orientation for Venture Funding Success. Academy of Management Proceedingshttps://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2024.155bp


  • Saesen, J. (2023). The More, The Better: How overconfident CEOs shape their firms' digital orientation. Academy of Management Proceedings. https://doi.org/10.5465/AMPROC.2023.10195abstract
  • Kindermann, B., Hocker, A., & Strese, S. (2023). Attracted to the Hustle? An Impression Management Perspective on Entrepreneurial Hustle in New Venture Recruitment. Journal of Management Studies. In press. https://doi.org/10.1111/joms.13011
  • Rammert, M., Kindermann, B., & Strese, S. (2023). Get the Crypto Crowd Going: Evaluating the Signaling Effect of Motivational Cues on Crowd Involvement, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)https://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2023/blockchain/blockchain/13/


  • Greven, A., Kruse, S., Vos, A., Strese, S., Brettel, M. (2022): Achieving Product Ambidexterity in New Product Development: The Role of Middle Managers' Dynamic Managerial Capabilities, Journal of Management Studies, (in press). https://doi.org/10.1111/joms.12886
  • Fengel, F.-M., Kindermann, B., & Strese, S. (2022). The Dual Imperative of Digital Transformers – The Relationship between a Firm’s Digital Orientation and Innovation Ambidexterity. Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2022), 13. https://aisel.aisnet.org/ecis2022_rp/95/
  • Kindermann, B., Schmidt, C. V. H., Pulm, J., & Strese, S. (2022). The Double-Edged Sword of Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Configurational Perspective on Failure in Newly Public Firms. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,  https://doi.org/10.1177/10422587221111724
  • Fischer, D., Prasuhn, J., Strese, S., Brettel, M. (2021): The Role of Social Media for Radical Innovation in the New Digital Age, International Journal of Innovation Management, (in press). https://doi.org/10.1142/S1363919621500754
  • Fuchs, K., Schmidt, C., Strese, S. (2021): The Influence of Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being on Entrepreneurs’ Active Search: A Double-Edged Sword?, Frontiers in Entrepreneurship Research Proceedings, 41.
  • Schäfer, C., Kindermann, B., Strese, S. (2021): A Signaling Perspective on Token Dispersion and Venture Performance in Initial Coin Offerings, Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). https://aisel.aisnet.org/ecis2021_rip/32/
  • Schä­fer, C., Kindermann, B., Strese, S. (2021): Signals for Venture Performance After Initial Coin Offerings: The Role of Proceeds Allocation to Marketing and Market Orientation, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).  https://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2021/fintech/fintech/5 
  • Wilm, M.C. (2021): The Heart Leads, The Mind Follows: How Adaptive Cognition Mediates The Relationship Between Entrepreneurial Passion And Tolerance For Failure, Frontiers in Entrepreneurship Research Proceedings, 41.
  • Greven, A., Strese, S., Brettel, M. (2020): Determining Scientists’ Academic Engagement: Perceptions of Academic Chairs’ Entrepreneurial Orientation and Network Capabilities, Journal of Technology Transfer, 45, 1376-1404. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-019-09750-z
  • Kindermann, B., Beutel, S., García de Lomana, G., Strese, S., Bendig, D., Brettel, M. (2020): Digital Orientation: Conceptualization and Operationalization of a New Strategic Orientation, European Management Journal, (in press). doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2020.10.009
  • Veismann, S. & Strese, S. (2020). How To Innovate When In Doubt: How Corporate Venture Capitalists Diversify Startup Portfolios Under Technological Uncertainty. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research Proceedings, 40.
  • Bendig, D., Willmann, D., Strese, S., Brettel, M. (2018): Share Repurchases and Myopia: Implications on the Stock and Consumer Markets, Journal of Marketing, 82 (2), 19-41. https://doi.org/10.1509/jm.16.0200 
  • Kreer, F., Mauer, R., Strese, S., Brettel, M. (2018): On Private Equity Exits of Family Firms in the German Mittelstand, Journal of Business Economics (ZfB), 88 (3-4), 503-529. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11573-017-0870-8
  • Strese, S., Gebhard, P., Feierabend, D., Brettel, M. (2018): Entrepreneurs’ Perceived Exit Performance: Conceptualization and Scale Development, Journal of Business Venturing, 33 (3), 351-370. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusvent.2018.01.005
  • Yan, Z., Strese, S. (2018): Presence Of CTOs In Top Management Teams - When Do Firms Elevate Innovation To The C-Suite?, Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Waterford, Ireland (selected for publication in Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research Proceedings, 38).
  • Bendig, D., Strese, S., Brettel, M. (2017): The Link between Operational Leanness and Credit Ratings, Journal of Operations Management, 2017, 52, 46-55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jom.2016.11.001 
  • Bendig, D., Strese, S., da Costa, M., Flatten, T.C., Brettel, M. (2017): On Micro-foundations of Dynamic Capabilities: A Multi-Level Perspective Based on CEO Personality and Knowledge-based Capital, Long Range Planning, 61 (6), 797-814. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2017.08.002
  • Grühn, B., Strese, S., Flatten, T.C., Jäger, N., Brettel, M. (2017): Temporal Change Patterns of Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Longitudinal Investigation of CEO Successions, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 41 (4), 591-619. https://doi.org/10.1111/etp.12239 
  • Mauerhoefer, T., Strese, S., Brettel, M. (2017): The Impact of Information Technology on New Product Development Performance, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 34 (6), 719-738. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpim.12408 
  • Sprinkmeyer, C., Strese, S. (2017): Power Struggle Between CEO & CFO: What is the Impact on Large Firms’ Entrepreneurial Orientation?, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research Proceedings, 37, 298-303.
  • Ney, C., Strese, S. (2016): Investor Involvement – An Attention Based View Lens on Conflict Antecedents. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Bodø, Norway (selected for publication in Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research Proceedings, 36).
  • Strese, S., Adams, D., Flatten, T.C., Brettel, M. (2016): Corporate Culture and Absorptive Capacity: The Moderating Role of National Culture Dimensions on Innovation Management, International Business Review, 25 (5), 1149-1168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2016.02.002
  • Strese, S., Keller, M., Flatten, T.C., Brettel, M. (2016): CEOs’ Passion for Inventing and Radical Innovations in SMEs: The Moderating Effect of Shared Vision, Journal of Small Business Management, 56 (3), 435-452. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsbm.12264 
  • Strese, S., Meuer, M.W., Flatten, T.C., Brettel, M. (2016): Examining Cross-functional Coopetition as a Driver of Organizational Ambidexterity, Industrial Marketing Management, 57, 40-52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2016.05.008 
  • Strese, S., Meuer, M.W., Flatten, T.C., Brettel, M. (2016): Organizational Antecedents of Cross-functional Coopetition: The Impact of Leadership and Organizational Structure on Cross-functional Coopetition, Industrial Marketing Management, 53, 42-55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2015.11.006 
  • Brettel, M., Strese, S., Flatten, T.C. (2012): Improving the Performance of Business Models with Relationship Marketing Efforts – an Entrepreneurial Perspective, European Management Journal, 30 (2), 85-98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.emj.2011.11.003 
  • Katzenmeier, S., Bendig. D., Strese, S., Brettel, M. (2019): The Supply Side: Profiling Crowdfunders, in H. Landström, A. Parhankangas, & C. Mason (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Crowdfunding: 2019, 122–164. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.